Did Secret Service Ban Red Ties Because They’re Trump’s Favorite?

We were all aware of the government's  penchant for pettiness, but this takes it to an entirely new level.

In a recent podcast, ex-Secret Service agent Dan Bongino claimed  that current agents are being prohibited from donning a red tie simply because it happened to be one of Trump's favorite colors.

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From BizPacReview:

“What if I told you now that an edict went out in the Secret Service about what color tie you could wear. … Now, I worked there for 12 years. I don’t ever recall getting a memo about tie colors. Ever,” Bongino said.

“But the story gets even weirder. Why the hell would Secret Service management be preoccupied with people’s tie colors? Maybe because some of the people running the agency have gone crazy and have turned into Biden ass kissers,” he added.

According to Bongino, the “scandal” erupted when The Guardian posted a photo of a member of Trump’s detail wearing a red tie.

“And all of a sudden, the red tie thing became a big scandal,” he explained. “Why would the red tie thing become a big scandal? What was on the tie — cocaine or something? No. It was the same color as Donald Trump’s tie.”

The ridiculousness of the order was too much for him.

“What the hell!?” he exclaimed. “This actually happened. … What is going on? Are agents on Biden’s detail, if they wear Ray-Bans like Biden when he pretends to be a fake tough guy, are they going to be accused of being Biden supporters because they have Ray-Ban on?”

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