Well, We Now Know Which Drugs Those Chief Fans Who Died in the Backyard Were On

  • by:
  • Source: TMZ
  • 02/02/2024
It appears that the haze enveloping the deaths of the three Chiefs  fans is starting to dissipate, with increasing indications that their demise might be linked to drugs.

An attorney representing the family of one of the victims hinted that drugs like  cocaine and fentanyl could be the cause of death for these three young men. However, the lawyer remains tight-lipped about the specifics of the toxicology results.

While this attorney's clue aligns with other circulating rumors, the official autopsy  results are eagerly awaited to put an end to the various theories.

From TMZ:

We talked to Tony Kagay -- a lawyer who's been hired by the mother of Clayton McGeeney, who was one of the three who were found dead in Jordan Willis' backyard -- who joined us on "TMZ Live" Thursday to tell us what he knows about the investigation thus far.

Kagay was certainly trying to keep his cards close to the vest here -- but based on a meeting he says his client, Nancy Bossert (Clayton's mom), had with authorities Wednesday ... it sounds like what people have suspected will soon be confirmed.

Namely, he seems to be suggesting that the autopsies are complete and early toxicology tests have been run ... and while he doesn't reveal the exact results, he does say he's privy to the fact that there may (or may not) be substances that were discovered in their bodies.

We pushed Kagay to tell us what he knew -- but he was being careful with what he said, and how he said it ... but you can read between the lines here and figure out what's what.

Basically, Kagay acknowledges that drugs may have played a part in the 3 men's deaths -- but there are still questions that need to be answered ... including how any substances may have gotten into their system, and what exactly played out over the course of 2 days.

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