Where The Hell Is Kate Middleton?

The burning question on the minds of many, especially in the UK, is: where on earth is Kate Middleton?

Since her abdominal surgery earlier this year, the Princess of Wales  seems to have virtually vanished, sparking a flurry of wild theories about her sudden disappearance. Speculation reached new heights when Prince William abruptly pulled out of an official engagement citing a "personal matter." Online sleuths  are questioning the absence of any photographs capturing Kate leaving the hospital after her surgery, leading to theories that her procedure may have been more serious than officially stated. And then there are the truly outlandish conspiracy theories involving Banksy and Willy Wonka.

Regardless, Kate's retreat from the public eye has far  exceeded the norm following abdominal surgery. Without clarification from royal officials or Kate herself, it's likely that speculation will only continue to escalate.

From The Daily Star:

However, the future Queen has not been seen in public since she was admitted to The London Clinic in Marylebone, prompting wild speculation online. One Reddit user wrote: "It is certainly odd that there were no photos of her leaving the hospital when she was discharged."

More conspiracy theorists piled on after Prince William pulled out of an official engagement due to a "personal matter." The announcement that the Prince of Wales would not attend the memorial service for the late King Constantine II of Greece came on Tuesday (February 27), the Daily Star previously reported.

Here are some of the internet's strangest rumours, AI's verdict, and what has likely happened to the royal.

Some of the more bizarre speculation circulating social media includes that Kate Middleton is Banksy, trapped in the infamous Willy Wonka experience as an Oompa Loompa, or recovering from a more serious procedure than initially thought.

Taking to X (formerly Twitter), one user wrote: "not a single Banksy since Kate Middleton disappeared. coincidence?".

Another agreed: "Of all the 'Where is Kate Middleton?' conspiracy theories, 'she's Banksy' is my favourite." But while the elusive artist and the Princess of Wales have never been spotted in the same room – that we know of – this wasn't the only theory posited by X detectives.

Another joked: "Kate Middleton went to the Willy Wonka experience and was never seen again," in reference to the 'Willy's Chocolate Experience' at Glasgow's Box Hub – an experience so dire police were called, the Daily Star previously reported.

Meanwhile on Reddit, conspiracy theorists feared for Kate's health. "Did she have a nervous breakdown?" one pried, while others even speculated she and Prince William were getting divorced.

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