These Male Soldiers Are Changing Gender to Female for Better Benefits and Higher Pay

Gender norms are undeniably shifting in Western  society, particularly with the emergence of diverse gender identities such as transgender. This societal evolution is reshaping traditional advantages once enjoyed by men, like higher pay, which are  now diminishing. Consequently, there's a growing inclination to identify with the opposite gender for perceived benefits.

While these shifts are gradually  taking hold in the United States, they appear to be swiftly solidifying in Spain. Recent reports reveal a noteworthy trend among male soldiers in Spain who are choosing to transition to female to access advantages  such as improved pay and more desirable living arrangements. This phenomenon stems from Spain's adoption of a self-identification law aimed at supporting transgender individuals.

The question arises: How soon might  the U.S. government follow suit and enact similar legislation?

From New York Post:

Forty-one men in Spain’s north-Africa autonomous city Ceuta have made the drastic decision to change their gender on official documents from male to female since the so-called “Ley-de-Trans” or “Trans Law” was implemented in March 2023.

Of the men in Ceuta who’ve changed their identity, only four have also legally changed their name.

A majority of the now-female soldiers have kept every other aspect of life, including male genitalia, sexuality, and even facial hair.

“On the outside, I feel like a heterosexual man, but on the inside, I am a lesbian,” Army Corporal Roberto Perdigones told Spanish newspaper El Español. “And it is the latter that counts. This is why I made the legal change to become a woman.”

Those going through the “change” are doing so in hopes of promotions and raises, according to the Telegraph, citing military sources.

Perdigones says he was encouraged to change his gender because of “positive discrimination” and has since received a 15 percent salary increase.
“For changing my gender, I have been told that my pension has gone up because women get more to compensate for inequality. I also get 15 percent more salary for being a mother,” he added.

The soldier is looking to use his additional privilege as a woman to sue for shared custody of his 16-year-old son, assuming the courts will give him a better chance.

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