However, things took a disastrous turn when a teacher in New Mexico decided to up the ante by introducing a real sword—specifically, a katana—into the classroom for her teenage students to wield in duels. Picture this: no protective gear, and zero training on how to handle such a weapon.
Unsurprisingly, tragedy struck during this ill-conceived experiment, leaving a 16-year-old girl in the class with a life-altering injury.
From BizPac Review:
Loviata Mitchell, 45, a now former chemistry teacher at Volcano Vista High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, used a samurai katana sword and a rapier to teach a lesson on “metal and melding.” She reportedly allowed her students to fight with them with no protective gear or blade guards according to the Daily Mail.
Mitchell moved the desks to the perimeter of the classroom to make way for the two-minute dueling bouts. The contests were videoed.
One duel resulted in a 16-year-old girl, identified as NS, having her nerves and tendons severed in her right hand.
The teacher exclaimed, “I’m in trouble!” and told her students to delete all of their videos following the predictable accident. One of them evidently didn’t and it wound up in the hands of authorities.
The girl’s grandparents, Arnold and Judy Gachupin, who are her guardians, are suing over the incident.
“A school investigation concluded that Mitchell broke no rules, but now, she and the school district are being sued by the 16-year-old’s family after surgery was unable to repair the damage,” the Daily Mail reported.
“I’ve talked to her surgeon, and he could actually feel where the sword had made a mark in the bone,” the family’s attorney Jessica Hernandez said in an interview with KOAT.
“Those injuries cause her ongoing daily pain, as well as cause her to be unable to perform many basic daily tasks,” Hernandez went on to assert, noting that the girl is right-handed.