About Wayne Dupree

Wayne E. Dupree is the proud father of three kids who help give him focus each and every day. He was recently given the Pioneer in New Media at the beginning of 2019 for all the work he has done within the Conservative movement as a speaker, activist and entrepreneur over the past seven years.

Before Wayne started fighting for his country through the political spectrum, he served eight years in the United States Air Force where he received two Good Conduct Medals, Air Force Commendation Award, Air Force Achievement Medal and an honorable discharge. He also participated in Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield with the F-117A Stealth Fighter Unit.

During his time within the Conservative movement, Dupree was named as a member of Newsmax’s top 50 Influential African-American Republicans for 2017, and in 2016, he was named as a board member of the National Diversity Coalition for Donald Trump. In 2015, Dupree was awarded the coveted American Conservative Union (ACU) CPAC Blogger of the Year award and before that he won the Podcast of the Year Award.

Dupree’s “New Media” growth exploded within his first few years of hard work in the tradition of Andrew Breitbart. Wayne connected with Andrew a few weeks before his untimely death in 2012 and hasn’t looked back.

In blazing his trail, Wayne proudly carries the Breitbart standard of “Walking Toward the Fire” by being a strong conservative voice, adding his commentary to current events and challenging the Democrat and Republican Party policies that hurt the American people.

Wayne is a leading national conservative voice with his own radio show. Although there has been a lot of conservative suppression on social media, Dupree has over 350K followers on Twitter and over 420K followers on Facebook, all grown generically with his penchant for being real with his audience and featured guests.

During the 2016 Republican Primary, Dupree is one of the few non-mainstream voices to interview seven presidential candidates. He has also grabbed five interviews with then-businessman Donald J. Trump, who he interviewed one month before he came down the escalator to tell America he was running for President.

Dupree is also a member of Project 21, a black conservative leadership network, along with regular contributor to The Political Insider, Headline Politics, Townhall.com, Newsmax TV and the One America News Network. He has been personally sought out by Fox News Sean Hannity Black Conservative Special and Fox & Friends, as well as appearing on two Glenn Beck Specials. Dupree has also been a radio guest on nationally syndicated shows hosted by Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, and Steve Malzberg. His writing has also been published by the Washington Times at the request of Fox News Contributor Monica Crowley.

Wayne was a national speaker with the Tea Party Express. He traveled from Arkansas to Minnesota in 2014 speaking to groups of voters in America’s Heartland.

He currently hosts a radio show on a new conservative network, America’s Voice News, dedicated to bringing disgruntled and new viewers back to the conservative blueprint other networks just won’t attempt to reach. His show appears every Monday-Thursday, 8-9 P.M and 11-12 P.M.

Wayne also has a website at WayneDupree.com where he battles the Trump opposition media every day. As this is Dupree’s everyday job, he works very hard for a website that pulls in between 800,000 – 1,000,000 page views a month.

The Wayne Dupree Show, now seven years running hosts a veritable “Who’s Who” of conservative politics, including President Donald Trump, Senators Ted Cruz, Mark Meadows, Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Dr. Ben Carson, Col. Allen West, Michelle Malkin, Monica Crowley, Dinesh D’Souza, and a host of other newsmakers.

Wayne continues to fight for America and spreading the conservative message on a daily basis. He also shares his knowledge with up and coming new voices who haven’t had the opporuntity to be heard.


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