Biden Just Sounded As If He Might Not Run In 2024

Speaking at the White House Tribal Nations Summit on Wednesday, President Joe Biden raised questions about his potential 2024 reelection campaign.

When an unidentified member of the audience yelled “four more years” at the president, Biden had just ended his remarks. The president dismissed the remark and praised the individual.

Biden replied, “I don’t know about it. “Thank you, very much.”


Less than a month after the 2022 midterm elections, when the Democratic Party outperformed expectations by holding control of the Senate and winning numerous governorship contests around the country, Biden made his comment about the upcoming presidential race. The Republican Party was anticipated to make significant gains in both chambers of Congress before the midterm elections, but the “red wave” eventually did not materialize.

According to an early exit poll from early November, at least 66% of voters do not want Biden to run for reelection, and nearly half of those polled said that Biden’s policies were harming the nation. Many people have expressed concern about the president’s advanced age, as he just celebrated his 80th birthday on November 20.

Democratic legislators’ responses to the question of whether they would support Biden’s probable reelection have varied; some have said yes, while others have either provided evasive responses or said that someone else should replace Biden. California Governor Gavin Newsom (D), who is viewed by many in the party as a potential replacement for Biden, has stated that he will not run against the incumbent president and will instead back Biden if he decides to run in 2024.

The sole contender to declare his candidacy for the 2020 election is former President Donald Trump, who was defeated by Biden in that race. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) are two further individuals who are widely regarded as strong prospects.



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