[VIDEO] Dogs Are Now Zoom Dating…No, We’re Serious!

Every since 2020, Zoom calls have been a huge way for people to communicate with one another. Whether it be for personal or business, communicating through a screen is pretty much the norm now. 

But apparently it's not just people using Zoom to connect, but animals too!

This adorable video shows two dogs having a little "date" via Zoom and it's almost too precious for words.

Check it out: 
  This video definitely brightened a lot of people's days online and the comments were flooding in:

"My dog passed away yesterday so this Twitter helps me a lot. Idk what it is but I just feel so much happier going through all your tweets"

"The howling is soul crushing 😩 Road trip immediately!"


"I could legit watch a 20 more minutes of this."

"The zoom in on the head tilt nearly made me choke on my drink😂"

"This has the all the best trappings of a fabulous late 90s rom com."

"We will need the pic of them when they can visit each other in person. They miss each other so much."

These two sweet fur babies need to be reunited and it must be captured on video!

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