Over 300 Children Under the Age of 10 Are Working Like Slaves at U.S. McDonald’s Restaurants

When I first saw this headline, I thought that this was a story about kids in foreign countries working at McDonald’s like poor little slaves. Then I read it, and discovered that this is actually happening in the US. Kids as young as 10-years-old, working their fingers to the bone, and until all hours of the nigh. 

This latest investigation found over 300 kids working like this. It’s shocking to think this is happening in the United States. 

Baja News reported that investigators also found two 10-year-old children working but not getting paid, and sometimes working until 2 a.m.

Two 10-year-old children were found working at a McDonald's restaurant in Louisville, USA, sometimes until 2 a.m., the Department of Labor said on Tuesday.
The revelation was part of an investigation into violations of child labor law in the southeastern United States. The agency also found that three franchises that own over 60 McDonald's locations in Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland, and Ohio, "employed 305 children to work more hours than legally allowed and perform tasks prohibited by law for young workers," the Department of Labor said in a statement.
The franchises, Bauer Food, Archways Richwood, and Bell Restaurant Group, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
"Investigators from the Department's Wage and Hour Division found two 10-year-old workers at a McDonald's restaurant in Louisville among numerous violations of federal labor laws committed by three Kentucky McDonald's franchisees," the statement said. "Investigators also found two 10-year-old children working but not getting paid, and sometimes working until 2 a.m."
The three franchises face combined civil fines of $212,754 for the child labor violations, according to the statement.

These people should be arrested for child abuse.

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