Teachers Say Some 11-Year-Old Students Are Still Wearing Diapers

There's a concerning phenomenon occurring in Switzerland where some children, as old as 11, are still reliant on diapers.

Evidently, these children have not yet acquired the skill of using a toilet. However, a more distressing aspect is that teachers are now being tasked with the responsibility of changing these children's diapers.

This issue has become prevalent enough that one headmaster is arranging events to educate parents about the necessity for children to be independent in their toileting upon returning to school after the summer break. In addition, another school is distributing flyers to inform parents that it is not the teachers' responsibility to change diapers for school-age children.

From Oddity Central:

“Parents have a duty to ensure that their school-age children no longer wear diapers,” Dagmar Rösler, President of the umbrella organization for teachers in Switzerland, told 20min.  “When 11-year-olds come to school in diapers, that’s a worrying development. Teachers are not there to change their students’ diapers. That is going too far.”
Rösler pointed out the importance of distinguishing between children with physical problems and those impacted by psychological trauma or parents neglect, and emphasized teachers’ role in mitigating such problems. The latter should never blame the child, but instead, reach out to the parents, explain the situation and hold them accountable.

Swiss psychotherapist Felix Hof recalled a boy who came to his practice and still needed diapers at the age of seven, due to the trauma caused by a family conflict. He also pointed out that such children often end up being bullied or teased by their peers, especially after their situation becomes known in schools. Gym classes or swimming are two instances where the diapers become almost impossible to conceal.

According to an article in the SonntagsZeitung, more and more parents of primary school children are putting out ads for diaper-changing staff, and the increase in sales of large diaper sizes in Switzerland is another worrying sign.

“The diapers are becoming more and more comfortable and can be worn like normal underpants, this is how children are conditioned to the diaper,” educationalist Margrit Stamm warned, referring to parents who have their kids in diapers for long trips or when sleeping. “This is a completely wrong signal!”

This situation is undoubtedly far from ordinary.

It's truly astonishing to consider that these children are just a few years away from reaching puberty, yet they struggle with the basic skill of using a toilet.

And can you imagine these poor teachers having to change the diapers of 11-year-olds? 

Sounds incredibly awkward...

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