[VIDEO] Bullfighter Violently Gored in the Butt in Graphic Clip

Alejandro Conquero, a resilient matador, is now in recovery following an incident during a recent bullfight at the annual Prieto de la Cal event in Madrid.

In the recorded footage of the competition, the 28-year-old matador displayed his prowess until one of the bull's horns unexpectedly hooked him, propelling him into the air. The situation took a grim  turn as the massive bull forcefully drove its horns into Conquero's posterior, causing him to be launched several feet into the air once again.

Fortunately, fellow matadors swiftly intervened, drawing the bull's attention away from Conquero. He was promptly transported to a nearby hospital for medical attention.

Watch the video: 

From TMZ: 

Doctors told COPE that Conquero suffered "a goring in the posterior perianal region, which dissects the rectum through the coccyx and could affect the external sphincter of the anus" ... but the matador says he feels fine.

"I am excited and I give a thousand thanks to those who at this time have thought or have been interested in me," Conquero said per his IG story.

"The evolution is positive, there is no fever, pain, the normal one but with the hope of being able to dress up soon. Thank you very much."

Just last month, we saw another incident like this when Bullfighting sensation Andrés Roca Rey got nailed by an 1,100-pound bull in Spain. He took a hit to his neck, face, and legs – ouch!

Bullfighting sure is a captivating ancient sport, but man, it's no joke when it comes to the brutality.

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