Watch How Americans React When They’re Offered a FREE Bud Light

Clearly, Americans are not too keen on spending their hard-earned money on Bud Light. What's even more surprising is that they won't even consume this beer if it's given to them for free.

Conservative commentator Benny Johnson hit the streets of Nashville to see if folks there would accept a nice cold Bud, free of cost. He was met with a few choice cuss words and many folks smashing the cans on the ground or just simply throwing it away.

Watch the video: 

From Western Journal: 

The reactions to his offer ranged from “Hell no, you can’t pay me to drink that” to “Yeah, I’ll throw it away right there” to “No thank you” to some answers with some choice expletives thrown in.

“No f***ing way.” one man said.

“Sir, it’s so good,” Johnson teased.

“Are you making friends tonight? I don’t think so,” the man replied.

While a few guys couldn’t turn down the offer of a free beer, regardless of what brand it was, others recoiled from the can as if it was laced with poison.

“I believe in Christian values and family values, and that’s what this country was built on — on God,” one man said.

“What were they thinking man?” Johnson asked him.

“They weren’t thinking,” the man replied.

Another man told Johnson that Bud Light trucks at restaurants he works with have told him that they have experienced a drop in the sales of Bud Light by about 50-80 percent.

“Look at a different job or a different company at this point” was his advice.

Johnson even asked the bartender at John Rich’s bar, “Redneck Riviera,” if people were buying or if they were selling Bud Light and got a resounding “no.”

Well, there you have it: people still hate Bud Light.

If the company hoped that time would help quell the boycott, well, they were dead wrong.

If anything, it has intensified, as many consumers are avoiding everything from the Anheuser-Busch brand altogether at this point.

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