Missing Pig Named “Kevin Bacon” is Found, Thanks to The Real Kevin Bacon

  • by:
  • Source: Unilad
  • 11/11/2023
In a bit of a fun, Hollywood twist, a family finally got back their runaway pig, aptly named “Kevin Bacon.” And guess who pitched in to help? Yep. The real Kevin Bacon himself. This pig, ironically sharing a name that's got to make you think twice about his fate, had been hoofing it away from his Pennsylvania home for a solid two weeks, leaving his owners pretty worried, before Kevin stepped in and helped bring the little piggy home.

From Unilad: 

Chelsea Rumbaugh of Cumberland Township, Pennsylvania brought the cheekily named pig home to her farm on October 13, but not long after the pig showed it had the heart of an adventurer.

The next day in the evening the pig broke loose from his pen but was later spotted still on the property and returned to the house.

Rumbaugh explained that it wasn’t long till the pig took off on his two week adventure.
“We were so close [to the pig], my 16-year-old was petting him,” Rumbaugh explained on a Facebook group she set up called ‘Bring Kevin Bacon Home’.
"He stayed close but eventually took off into the woods."

Hearing of this story and the plight of the family, the actor Kevin Bacon helped spread the word of the missing pig and shared a story about it on his Thread page.
He also captioned his Thread post ‘Bring Kevin Bacon Home.’

Thankfully, after multiple failed humane traps and food trails, the adventurous Kevin Bacon was taken down by a sticky bun that contained pet-safe Benadryl, a sedative.

After consuming the treat, Rumbaugh told local media the pig simply walked back into his pen without so much as a fuss.
To prevent future break outs, she also explained the family has reinforced the pig’s pen with concrete below the ground to stop him tunnelling his way out.

The family also seem to have big plans for Kevin Bacon’s future now that he has gotten over his wild-adventure phase.
“I do think he has a life of stardom ahead of him," said Rumbaugh.

We're all for a happy ending, so it's great to hear that Kevin Bacon the pig is back with his family. Hats off to the human Kevin Bacon, too, for stepping up and lending a hand to his namesake!

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