94-Year-Old Vet Booted From Nursing Home To Make Way For Illegal Migrants

If you're looking for further proof that our country prioritizes migrants over veterans, this story serves as a glaring example.

In a Staten Island assisted living facility, a 94-year-old veteran was shown the door, only to be replaced shortly afterward by a group of undocumented migrants.

Now this veteran is sounding the alarm, raising big concerns over this particular facilities priorities. 

From New York Post: 

Frank Tammaro was given less than two months’ notice he and 53 other seniors would have to move out of Island Shores Residences in March, and had to make other living arrangements.

“I felt horrible,” Tammaro, a lifelong New Yorker, told Fox News. “It’s no joke getting thrown out of a house.”

He then moved into another facility, but after he fell, he and his daughter Barbara Annunziata decided it would be best for him to move in with her and her children.

It was in her care that the family discovered that Island Shores was being converted into migrant housing — and would not reopen as another assisted living facility as they were promised.

“I don’t understand it at all,” Annunziata said. “It’s not fair to anybody.

“These migrants, they’re getting everything. They’re getting everything and I can’t get nothing for [Tammaro],” she said, adding that she has been having trouble getting insurance to pay for a home health aide.

“Meanwhile, [migrants] get everything. And he’s not entitled to anything.”

I get that there are many people out there who need assistance, but treating an elderly veteran like this is simply inhumane.

Let's hope his suffering doesn't go unnoticed and can stand as a powerful example for our leaders.

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