Dog Goes Missing, But Is Found at a Bar, Having the Best Time of His Life

Losing your furry  sidekick is downright heart-wrenching. I mean, they're not just a pet; they're practically family. So, when your four-legged buddy pulls a Houdini act and vanishes into thin air, your mind naturally spirals into worst-case scenarios. But what if I told you, instead of some tragic mishap, your canine compadre decided to hit up the local watering hole?

In Milwaukee, where the owner of a wise 16-year-old Shih Tzu, Bear, discovered his escape  artist antics led him straight to a neighborhood bar after making a daring backyard break.

From Not the Bee:

His momma, Jenny Hazard, had let him and his siblings out into the yard. And, it being a relatively warm January day, Bear decided it'd be a nice evening for a little "me" time.

But where was Bear?

I'll assume he put on some headphones and cranked up the Mozart like dogs are known to do on winter days when they go out on unannounced walks. Eventually, he ran into a fine group of ladies who were out on the town looking for a watering hole. The ladies took him in, he presumably turned off the Mozart and gave them his full attention, and they made their way to Finks Bar on Milwaukee's Lower East Side.

By this time, Jenny Hazard was pretty nervous and even on the verge of tears, but then she received a text message.

Mom would eventually drop by to pick up Bear, and I'm not sure, but I presume it took a whole lot of effort to pry that Pabst Blue Ribbon out of Bear's paws and get him out of there. I imagine he was cut off and presumably carried home where he passed out on the couch.

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